Adb Pull on a rooted Device in Windows .

The other day , I needed to explore the database file of one of my app. I though it will be a breeze as I had a rooted device , but I ran into some issues ,
so I decided to put up a post for future reference .

Step 1 : Connect your Phone with the PC .

Step 2 : Open the Command prompt and type adb shell and then type su .

Step 3 : You will get a propmpt in your device if you are using super user .

Step 4: Get the permission chmod 777 /data/data/

Step 5: Open another terminal and now execute adb pull /data/ /your destination drive in your PC

Thats all Folks !!



Siyanatullah Khan

Siyanatullah Khan

Mobile Software consultant with a penchant for blogging.

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