F11Labz Services

F11Labz Services

Are you hiring for a new startup or looking to train/re skill your resources in mobile/big data technologies or do you need consulting on a tough issue with your software development ? You have come to the right place.

Hiring Consultancy :

We provide a very thorough hiring process to ensure the best possible talent works for you. We take the pains for you so that you can get the perfect match for you needs. Apart from doing the normal screening through verbal interview we design customized assignments ,after discussing with our customers ,for the applicants to really test their skills and provide a very fair understanding of the candidate’s abilities. We have worked with KeyLine , Grover Infotech and many others to get the team up and running.

Development Consultancy :

We understand that it is very difficult to get resources at the right time for startups that cannot afford to keep a bench. We pitch in to fill this void, we work with our clients on difficult issues when they are either facing a resource crunch or stuck in a difficult spot with knowledge gaps. We have worked with keyline and Sennovations from app conception to market stage and also restructured an entire team for agile delivery , So if you are stuck give us a call

Training :

We provide training in Mobile App development and Big data. We have conducted training in big IT players like Cognizant , Ericsson to workshops in Colleges . We have consistently maintained a very high customer ratings for our training courses.

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Aniruddha Mukherjee

Aniruddha Mukherjee

Android and iOs consultant.

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