I am working on a Live Wallpaper using Libgdx and I needed a seekBar preference that I can set from Android.
As usual I searched the net for something that I can reuse and found a very nice implementation that suits my need .
The first issue that came up while working with Preference Backend and Libgdx is that Libgdx requires a file name from which it will read the preferences
So the following two lines are necessary on the android side.
getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesName("preferences"); getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesMode(o);
Here “preferences” is the file name .
Now when I integrated the SeekBarPreference I found that it is able to set the values correctly and Libgdx is able to use them , but when my seek bar is loading it is reading default value every time. A quick check confirmed that it is writing to the preferences mentioned above but it is reading from other preference , maybe the default one.
To fix this I changed the function in SeekBarPreference.java
@Override public SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences() { return mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferences", 0); } @Override protected void onSetInitialValue(boolean restoreValue, Object defaultValue) { super.onSetInitialValue(restoreValue, defaultValue); if(restoreValue) { mCurrentValue = getSharedPreferences().getInt(mKey, mCurrentValue); } else { int temp = 0; try { temp = (Integer)defaultValue; } catch(Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid default value: " + defaultValue.toString()); } persistInt(temp); mCurrentValue = temp; } }
I am overriding the getSharedPreferences() function to return my shared preference file.
The mCurrent value instead of taking from getPersistedInt I am getting from my preference file.
To get this to work I am getting key and context from the constructor .
I have attached the file for Reference.
Here is how it looks in my sample app.
